Wigmore Hall dates
Tuesday, October 29th 2019
Haydn Op 64/6
Smetana 1 From My Life
Beethoven Op 130 with The Grosse Fuge as the last movement
Wednesday, February 12 2020
Beethoven Op 18/6
Bartok 6
Mendelssohn E minor op 44/2
Thursday, July 16 2020
Haydn 20/6
Bartok 3
Beethoven 127
Download our Wigmore Hall flyer here
Cambridge Residency
Booking is open NOW (August – 7 September 2019) for subscription bookings for the Endellion String Quartet’s 2019-20 season (six concerts) at West Road Concert Hall, 11 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DP.
For a subscription booking form, please email sarahbiggs01@btinternet.com